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Gentle Yoga for 50+
I met a gentlemen in the hotel lobby right after I finished filming a 6-video series for called “Gentle Yoga for 50+”. He asked me what brought me to San Jose and I told him about the upcoming video series. He said “I need that! I didn’t even know that kind of Yoga existed!” He then began to share that he just turned 60 (like me!) and he knew he should be doing some Yoga. So he signed up for a 10-day Yoga class pass and he said he hated every minute of it. He said the teacher would get them into all these contorted positions and then say.. Just breathe into it and enjoy!
After we both had a good laugh, I told him not to get discouraged about doing Yoga…..That he just needed to find the Yoga that fits his needs and does him good, not harm.
On the video set, they interviewed me and asked me why I was so passionate about this style of Yoga. That was an easy answer from my heart! I truly believe Boomers and Seniors can feel better, have more energy and vitality by simply moving! I’m just a guide to help you move safely, effectively and enjoy the process of getting healthy. Promise…No contortions in my 50+ series!
Keep Moving!
PS… These 6 videos will be streaming on soon! Would love and appreciate your support!
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